Working closely with the creative team behind the idea, we covered everything from scamps to full colour renders, artwork concepts, print ready graphics, and of course the menu designs for the Bombay Sapphire and Patron rooftop takeover. Definitely deserved a G&T by the end of it!
When the summer season hits, we hit back!
Not only did we create graphic elements such as signage and 3D renders for Pub in the Park 2019, but we also filmed 8 of the 10 Pub in the Park festivals across the Uk from Bath all the way up to Warwick.
This included promotional clips for social media, interviews with chefs and performers, live acts on stage and, later in the year, graphic elements to promote the festival for the 2020 season. Our camera ops are also professional video editors allowing for many of the videos to be released the morning after they were filmed. Some were even put onto social media on the very same day!